World-class business schools have several important characteristics that clearly differentiate them from their competitors. First, they recruit first-class students. Second, they expose those students to a curriculum that is challenging, that meets the standards of the leading accreditation bodies and that is relevant to the world that they will enter when they graduate. Third, they provide the necessary resources to facilitate learning, providing an understanding of the curriculum and how it can be used successfully by the graduates when they leave the school and take up employment. One of the most important of those resources is the professors who teach the MBA courses.




The professors at BiMBA are drawn from business schools around the world - in the United States, Europe, China and elsewhere. They are chosen on the basis of several important criteria. In the first place, they must have very good qualifications. All of our faculty hold a PhD from a leading university. Second, they must have proved themselves to be excellent teachers. The third is that they must have both academic and practical experience. They must not only be experts in their field but also be able to apply what they know to the managerial issues faced by organizations. Fourth, they must have a level of enthusiasm that enables them to engage the students in the learning process, getting each member of the class to rise to his or her potential.


About Our Faculty




World-class business schools have several important characteristics that clearly differentiate them from their competitors. First, they recruit first-class students. Second, they expose those students to a curriculum that is challenging, that meets the standards of the leading accreditation bodies and that is relevant to the world that they will enter when they graduate. Third, they provide the necessary resources to facilitate learning, providing an understanding of the curriculum and how it can be used successfully by the graduates when they leave the school and take up employment. One of the most important of those resources is the professors who teach the MBA courses.




The professors at BiMBA are drawn from business schools around the world - in the United States, Europe, China and elsewhere. They are chosen on the basis of several important criteria. In the first place, they must have very good qualifications. All of our faculty hold a PhD from a leading university. Second, they must have proved themselves to be excellent teachers. The third is that they must have both academic and practical experience. They must not only be experts in their field but also be able to apply what they know to the managerial issues faced by organizations. Fourth, they must have a level of enthusiasm that enables them to engage the students in the learning process, getting each member of the class to rise to his or her potential.