Asia-Pacific Business Schools Sailing Challenge
Oct 08-2019
Through teamwork and perseverance, the NSD team has come from a bumpy start to win the No.4 overall position in the recently finished Asia-Pacific Business Schools Sailing Challenge (Qin Huang Dao race).
The NSD team was made up of six NSD students and one coach and had trained for only two months before the competition. A total of 19 teams from 28 business schools braved the waters on September 6-8. It’s the first time that the NSD enrolled a team in the Competition Group and the price for learning was obvious on the first day: the yacht, the wind and other factors just didn’t click.
A team meeting was called after the first day’s race and produced a consensus: never give up. To get the yacht into perfect shape, some team members jumped into the sea to remove shellfishes clinging to the bottom of the yacht. Their mood was not dampened by the fact that one athlete of the reigning champion team was formerly on the Chinese national team; instead, the NSD team was excited by the precious opportunity to learn and improve.
When everyone did their utmost on their positions and raced to back up teammates in need, much more wind was put into the sail. As Prof. Chen Chunhua, Dean of BiMBA Business School, said, a core team can only be forged through practices and by joining hands.
Hats off to the seven members of the NSD team: Wei Wei (P17), Jiang Zhixuan (P15), Sun Daye (P17), Zhi Meng (P18), Zhang Youwei (P11), Fu Fan (F03), and Yuan Ze (coach).