Alumni Story
Mar 18-2021
Thomas Day: A Wise Choice Made in Uncertain Times
Joohoon Bok: Be Deeply Involved in the Chinese Market
Antoni Radziwill: Why an MBA in China?
Till Moritz Dittkrist: "I am a door opener for German firms entering Chinese market"
Sean Shin-Fu Cheng: Taipei, New York, to Beijing, an MBA Exploring More
Edival Lourenço, Beleza Chan and Neel Sapre: Is An MBA Worth It In China?
Christian Jensen: A Rewarding Journey in BiMBA
Yici Zhao: How An MBA Is Changing My Life As An Entrepreneur
José Ricardo: Promoting the Brazil – China Business Cooperation with Full Energy and Confidence
Jisun Shin: How My MBA is Boosting My Career At Microsoft?
Antoni Radziwill: Why an MBA in China?
William Mason: A Rewarding Journey in China
Matteo: Time Waits for no Man, Act Now and Transform Career in China
Garrett Twitchell: My MBA Got Me A Job At Lenovo—5 Months Later I Was Presenting To Rupert Murdoch In Vegas